Compliance notices

With your contribution, we make Hubrise a safe environment.
We encourage you to report any problems or irregularities in the company, supporting the culture of whistleblowing to ensure transparency and safety for all.

Our commitment

to responsible corporate governance

Compliance with legal and internal rules is a core value of Hubrise’s corporate culture.

This also means promptly fighting possible violations and avoiding risks that could harm our customers, our employees, our business partners or Hubrise itself as a company. For this reason, Hubrise makes a digital whistleblowing system available to employees, but also to external third parties. We invite you to use this system to report potential violations of legal or internal rules directly, confidentially and, if you wish, anonymously, 24 hours a day and worldwide.

Here you can find the link to Otto Group’s whistleblower portal SpeakUp!

Of course, our employees can also contact the company’s internal compliance people (including the Supervisory Board set up in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 231/2001, which can be contacted by e-mail at

In addition, there is the possibility of confidentially contacting the ombudsman (the professional with the function of reviewing reports) of the Otto Group and thus also of Hubrise.

As a lawyer, Dr. Buchert is legally bound to professional secrecy and may not disclose any information to third parties without consent.

Dr. Rainer Bucher
Phone number: +49 69 71033330 or +49 6105-921355

Hubrise and the entire Otto Group carefully examine each report and take up cases of suspected violations and irregularities, regardless of the channel through which the report is made. Every piece of information submitted is verified in several stages by qualified experts who are committed to confidentiality.

In particular, in compliance with Legislative Decree n°. 24/2023, the mandatory activities are:

- Issue the reporter with an acknowledgement of receipt of the report within 7 days from the date of receipt;
- Follow up on the report received;
- Acknowledge the report within 3 months from the date of acknowledgement of receipt;
- If no response is received to the report, the reporting party still has the option of addressing the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) directly.

Whistleblowers are of course protected: this is also part of our corporate culture. We are convinced that honest and open reporting is essential for recognising violations in time, pursuing them and, if necessary, initiating corrective measures.

We thank you for your support!